Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Steps!

Run Away, Kyla. Run Away!

Kyla took her first steps today! I was making dinner and glanced down at her and saw her toddle toward a chair so she could grab the towel (on the chair) and throw it to the floor. She has taken several steps since then, but never to Mama or Daddy. She is more interested in walking toward the open fridge or dishwasher or pantry shelves. Our darling Destructo.

Ah, the superpowers you didn't wish for your child.....

Saturday, August 18, 2007


And here's the reason I haven't blogged for two months. If she's sleeping, I'm sleeping. If she's playing, I'm feeling sick. However, we are about 12 weeks, and it feels like everything's going well (for Kyla and the new baby--I've got a few more weeks to go until I feel great again)>

Family Reunion in Yakima

My mother's family met up in Yakima together for the first time in years. Kyla was the youngest, but it was fun to have so many kids around.

July 11

With Family

Against her will, she finally collapsed in Grandma's arms.

Hanging out with Uncle Keith

July 11

Why do I ALWAYS have to take baths?

Kyla loves blueberries. Yep. July 7, 2007

3rd of July

Dwayne's aunt and uncle have a place on a lake that celebrates July 4th one day early. Other than the late night fireworks, Kyla did great.